Below are 2025-2026 tuition rates:
2-day programs for 3-year-old preschoolers
All 3-year-old children must be potty trained by first day of preschool!
Monday and Wednesday: 8:40–11:25 am
$150 per month (tuition)
$50 registration fee
$100 snack fee
Tuesday and Thursday: 8:40–11:25 am
$150 per month (tuition)
$50 registration fee
$100 snack fee
Scholarship Information
Scholarships from Our Redeemer Lutheran Preschool may be available upon request.
4-day programs for 4 or 5-year-old preschoolers
Monday thru Thursday: 8:30–11:30 am
Registration and snack fees are waived for 4-year-olds however donations for snack costs are appreciated.
Tuition = Free for children who are 4 by Sept. 15th (if no Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program Grant available or if your child is 5-years-old by Sept. 15th or lives outside the state of Iowa—tuition will be $300 per month)
$50 registration fee for 5-year-olds only
$100 snack fee for 5-year-olds only
Monday thru Thursday: 12:30–3:30 pm
Registration and snack fees are waived for 4-year-olds however donations for snack costs are appreciated.
Tuition = Free for children who are 4 by Sept. 15th (if no Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program Grant available or if your child is 5-years-old by Sept. 15th or lives outside the state of Iowa—tuition will be $300 per month )
$50 registration fee for 5-year-olds only
$100 snack fee for 5-year-olds only

Give us a call
563-588-1247 x110
Registration is now open to the public as of December 9, 2024. Please call the preschool office at 588-1247 ext. 110 or stop by to pick up registration information. You can also access all needed paperwork below.
We offer four sessions of preschool. Two-day programs for children who are 3-years-old by September 15, 2025. Mon. and Wed. 8:40-11:25 a.m. or Tues. and Thurs. 8:40-11:25 a.m. Tuition is $150 per month. There is a one time $50 registration fee and a one time $100 snack fee due at registration. Please ask if you need scholarship assistance for tuition.
Four-day programs are available for children who are 4-years-old by September 15, 2025. Mon-Thurs 8:30-11:30 a.m. or Mon.-Thurs. 12:30-3:30 p.m. There are no fees for this program since it is funded by the state of Iowa Preschool Grant Program.
Forms are available to download and print to register your preschooler. Email to or mail to:
Our Redeemer Preschool
2145 JFK Road
Dubuque, IA 52002
We are having an Open House on Thursday, February 20, 2025 from 5:30-7 PM. This is for community members who are looking for a preschool as well as for new and returning students for Fall 2025. We hope to see you here!
2025-2026 Brochure and Registration Form
All 3-year-old & 5-year-old fees are due when you register (registration fee, snack fee, & tuition). There are no fees for 4-year-old preschool.
Required Forms
A variety of forms are required for registration. You may download the needed forms below:

2025-2026 Required Registration for 4-year-old preschool only
This must be completed also to be fully registered in the 4-year-old classes.
Our Morning 4-year-old class is currently full with a waiting list started. Please contact us before registering.